Muriate of Potash (MOP)

Origin: Germany/Canada/Uzbekistan/Russia/Belarus

Muriate of Potash contains soluble potassium, which helps to ensure proper maturation in a plant by improving overall health and disease resistance. Commonly used for various types of crops such as fruits, vegetables, grains and palm trees

K2O 60% min
Moisture 1% max
Color White / Pink / Red
Form Powder / Granular

Rock Phosphate

Origin: Egypt

Rock Phosphate introduces calcium into the soil which helps to strengthen the plants health and resistance to pest. Commonly used for various crop types to accelerate growth and yield rate.

P2O5 27% min
Moisture 4% max
Form Granular
Size (1-4mm) 90% min

Triple Super Phosphate (TSP)

Origin: China

Triple Superphosphate are used to restore soil components essential for farming and is vital to help promote root growth of crops. Commonly used for various fruits crops to accelerates fruit bearing and ripening.

P2O5 46% min
Water Solubility 36% min
Moisture 5% max
Colour Grey
Form Granular
Size(1-4mm) 90% min

Natural Kieserite (KIE)

Origin: China

Natural Kiserite is a good source of magnesium for crops which improves the overall quality of plants and increases yield rate. Commonly used for maize production, but is suitable for all crops.

MgO 25% min
Sulphur 17% min
Moisture 2% max
Form Powder
Colour White / Off-White

Ammonium Chloride (ACP)

Origin: China

Ammonium Chloride introduces the addition of nitrogen into soil, which helps to increase crop yield. Commonly used for rice and wheat crops, but also suitable for other crop types.

Nitrogen 25% min
Moisture 1% max
Color White / Off-White
Form Powder

Kiserite (KIE)

Origin: Germany

Kiserite is a good source of magnesium for crops which improves the overall quality of plants and increases yield rate. Commonly used for maize production, but is suitable for all crops.

MgSO4 27% min
Sulphur 22% min
Color White / Off-White
Form Powder


Origin: UK

K2O 14% min
MgO 6% min
CaO 17% min
Color Grey
Form Granular

Sodium Sulphate

Origin: Indonesia

Na2SO4 99% min
Moisture 0.2% max
Color White
Form Powder

Claims Policy

  • All claims must be submitted in writing to PT. Asia Kimindo Prima within twenty-one (21) days from the invoice date, failing which PT. Asia Kimindo Prima shall have no liability whatsoever.
    *Collection at warehouse (LOCO): Invoice date is the collection date
    *Delivery to customer’s estate (FRANCO): Invoice date is the delivery date (delivery note date)
  • Claims are limited to one claim per Delivery Order (DO), settlement of which will be the final settlement for all loss or damage in connection therewith.
  • Claims are only applicable to cargo (Fertilizer) value, other cost such as transportation, loading and unloading cost, etc. are not applicable for claims.
  • Any mishandling in transit caused by 3rd parties or buyers is not applicable for any claims.
  • PT. Asia Kimindo Prima has the right to reject any claims that is found to be incomplete and without supporting evidence.

Claims Guidelines

For Shortage Claims :
  • LOCO Transaction: The claims will be based on the warehouse weighbridge result except for Buatan (doesn’t have weighbridge), the claims will based by customer’s estate weighbridge result.
  • FRANCO Transaction: The claims will be based on the customer’s estate weighbridge result.
  • Weighbridge result report, invoices and delivery note/order must be submitted with the claim application.
For Quality(Specifications) Issues Claims :
  • Claims made must be accompanied by supporting documents such as lab analysis reports from independent accredited lab.
  • Delivery note/order must also be submitted with the claim application.

Note: PT. Asia Kimindo Prima has the right to request for additional information whereas necessary to process the claims submitted.

Kebijakan Klaim

  • Seluruh klaim wajib diajukan kepada PT Asia Kimindo Prima paling lama dua puluh satu (21) hari terhitung dari tgl invoice, PT Asia Kimindo Prima berhak menolak klaim yang diajukan setelah tenggat waktu yang ditentukan di atas.
    *Untuk transaksi LOCO : Invoice date adalah tgl barang diambil transporter.
    *Untuk transaksi Franco : Invoice date adalah tgl barang diterima di alamat pengiriman customer (Tanggal Surat Jalan)
  • Setiap klaim yang diajukan adalah per Delivery Order (DO), Perhitungan kerugian / kerusakan final adalah direkap per setiap DO.
  • Klaim yang diajukan customer adalah terbatas hanya pada harga fargo (Pupuk). Biaya lain seperti biaya pengiriman, biaya bongkar muat, dll tidak dapat dimasukkan / ditambahkan ke dalam perhitungan klaim.
  • Setiap kelalaian yang diakibatkan oleh pihak ketiga tidak dapat disertakan ke dalam perhitungan klaim ke PT Asia Kimindo Prima.
  • PT Asia Kimindo Prima memiliki hak untuk menolak setiap klaim yang terbukti tidak lengkap atau tidak dilengkapi dengan bukti yang valid.

Panduan Klaim

Untuk klaim susut :
  • Transaksi LOCO : Klaim mengacu kepada hasil timbangan di gudang. Khusus untuk gudang Buatan (yg tidak memiliki timbangan), klaim mengacu kepada hasil timbangan kebun customer.
  • Transaksi Franco : Klaim mengacu kepada hasil timbangan kebun customer.
  • Pada saat mengajukan klaim, customer wajib melampirkan hasil timbangan, invoices, dan surat jalan.
Untuk Klaim Specs :
  • Setiap Klaim wajib turut melampirkan dokumen pendukung seperti Laporan Hasil Analisa Lab yang dikeluarkan oleh lab yang kredibel dan indepeden terakreditasi.
  • Setiap klaim wajib turut melampirkan Surat Jalan.

Catatan : PT Asia Kimindo Prima mempunyai hak untuk meminta penambahan informasi tambahan yang berkaitan dengan aplikasi klaim yang sudah diajukan.